Terms of Use

The content of this site is suitable for adults only.


In our website, we use cookies, which is a method of technical analysis of data. Cookies are installed on your computer's hard drive and include some information about a user's visits to a web page (eg language selection, username, wishlist or other similar information that would otherwise require their repeated repetition). Cookies can also be used for statistical purposes (e.g., Google Analytics).

The use of cookies can not in any way lead to identifiable personal data of the user as he visits our website. Most cookies are automatically deleted after the user leaves the site. The user can also disable cookies from his browser. In this case, visitor may need to repeat some necessary information (such as username) or also the site has limited service and browsing capabilities.


Everyone can visit our site without giving any information about his personal information. However, we provide through our website services that require the user to be registered for the respective services and / or the disclosure of some personal information (such as name, email, telephone, etc.).

The disclosure of personal data to the website rests solely on the willingness and initiative of the user, who makes this action by seeking to take advantage of the products and services offered by our website.

Any notification and communication by the visitor-sender to our website, with any personal information (eg name, e-mail), is made with his absolute consent to their storage and processing, from our website.
These data will only be processed for the purpose for which they were sent. E.g. booking a ticket, purchasing a product/service, entering a website with personalized services, asking for a product service.

Our site also can not control the privacy policy of other websites where the user/visitor is referred through links or banners. Therefore, for any problem encountered during the visit to such websites, the user must contact the respective web sites directly, which in their entirety have the responsibility for the provision of their services.

Our company undertakes not to sell, rent or otherwise publish or / and disclose personal data of visitors / users / members to any third party.