Προϊόντα Κάνναβης
- Flower - Chocolate -Sticks High Dose THC Creta Sativa
- Flower - Chocolate -Sticks THC Εxperience
- Flower - Choco CBD
- Ανθός CBD & CBG
- Sticks CBD
- Vape Pen High Dose THC
- Vape pen THC Experience
- Vape Pen CBD
- Cbd Gummies
- Seeds THC - Feminized
- Seeds THC - Autoflowering
Sticks CBD
Products Total : 67
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Asteroid Lemon Haze CBD 2+1 3pcs0438227,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic stick Asteroid White Widow 2+1 3pcs0819927,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Sticks Lemon Haze+CBG Hash 2+1 3pcs0440513,80 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Sticks Aromas of Crete Zeus 2+1 free0791812,80 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Amnesia + CBG Hash 2+1 3pcs0441213,80 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Icerock Skywalker 2+1 3pcs0803827,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete White Widow + Isolate 2+1 3pcs0443615,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Lemon Haze + Isolate 2+1 3pcs0869015,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Creta Sativa + Isolate 2+1 3pcs0802515,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Moonrock Lemon 2+1 3pcs0439919,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Moonrock Black Mamba 2+1 3pcs08045019,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Aromas of Crete Space + Asteroid 2+1 3pcs0822927,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromas of Crete Skywalker + Asteroid 2+1 3pcs0442927,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Sweet Bubba Kush CBD <30% 5pcs0217321,50 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Sweet Bubba Kush CBD <30% 3pcs0212813,60 €DETAILS
Ganja PassionAromatic Stick Sweet Bubba Kush CBD <30% 1pc021114,80 €DETAILS
Ganja PassionAromatic Stick Ganja Super lemon haze CBD <50% 5pcs0218027,50 €DETAILS
Ganja PassionAromatic Stick Ganja Super lemon haze CBD <50% 3pcs0214216,80 €DETAILS
Ganja PassionAromatic Stick Ganja Super lemon haze CBD <50% 1pc018866,20 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gelato strawberry CBD <50% 5pcs0220331,50 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gelato strawberry CBD <50% 3pcs0215919,60 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gellato strawberry CBD <50% 1pc018627,60 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gorilla g CBG 5pcs0221031,50 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gorilla g CBG 3 pcs0216619,60 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Gorilla g CBG 1pc018557,60 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Royal Super lemon haze CBD <50% 5pcs219731,50 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Royal Super lemon haze CBD <50% 3pcs213519,50 €DETAILS
Royal CannabisAromatic Stick Royal Super lemon haze CBD <50% 1pc018797,60 €DETAILS
Mr HazeAromatic Stick CBD Mr Haze Ultra 5pc0223417,50 €DETAILS
Mr HazeAromatic Stick CBD Mr Haze Ultra 3pc0191011,50 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Lemon Haze 3pc013749,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Critical 3pc013439,00 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Creta Sativa 3pc13129,30 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick Sativa Stick CBD Aromas of Crete 25pcs05303119,00 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBG CBD Stick 25pcs5297137,00 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Icerock CBD Stick Aromas of Crete 25pcs05280185,00 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatick Sticks Aromas Of Crete Asteroid CBD Stick 25pcs05273195,00 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Critical 1pc013364,50 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Creta Sativa 1pc012514,50 €DETAILS
Aromas of CreteAromatic Stick CBD Lemon Haze 1pc013674,50 €DETAILS