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Smoke Signals - Προϊόντα Κάνναβης, Παραδοσιακά Προϊόντα
Mandrake root 20g

Mandrake root 20g

Smoke signals
Brand : Smoke signals
Product Code : 100000021

(Mandragora officinarum) The main substances found are atropine, scopolamine and mandragorin, strong sedative, hypnotic and narcotic substances. In fact, in ancient times, it was used as an anesthetic and analgesic in surgical operations. In Europe it is used to treat stomach ulcers, colic, constipation, asthma, allergic rhinitis, spasms, arthritis (rheumatism), and whooping cough. It is also used to induce vomiting, drowsiness (narcosis), reduce pain, and increase sexual activity. SMALL QUANTITIES BEWARE OF USE!! Recommended with the guidance of a specialist or your doctor. It can cause many side effects, including confusion, drowsiness, dry mouth, heart problems, vision problems, overheating, problems urinating, and hallucinations. Large doses can be fatal.

7,80 €
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